How do I integrate HomeBinder with Tap Inspect?

This article will walk you through the steps to set up and use the integration between HomeBinder and Tap Inspect, starting from version 5.4 of the Tap Inspect app.

Setting up the Integration

Access the Integrations Page. Open your web browser and go to Tap Inspect Integrations. Log in using your email and password if required, then click on “Add HomeBinder” to begin the integration.

Generate Your API Key and API Route Name

In your HomeBinder account, navigate to the “Settings” page. Ensure that you have generated an API Key. To do this, click “Edit” and then “Generate API Key”. Also, make sure there is a value entered for the API Route Name. This field cannot be left blank, must be all lowercase, and cannot contain spaces. You can check out more details in the HomeBinder FAQ or reach out to HomeBinder support if you need help.

Enter API Information in Tap Inspect

Copy the “API Key” and “API Route Name” from your HomeBinder account and paste them into the corresponding fields in Tap Inspect. You’ll also need to provide the HomeBinder template ID for the template you want to use when creating binders.

Activate the Integration

Once all the fields are completed, your HomeBinder integration is active and ready to use.

Once the integration is set up, open a report in the Tap Inspect app and go to the “Choose Recipients” screen. You’ll see an option to “Create a HomeBinder”. Check this box, and a new binder will be created when you publish your report.

Note: If there is an error creating the HomeBinder, you’ll be notified via email, similar to how delivery errors for invitations are handled.

HomeBinder Integration with Older Reports

You can also publish older reports to HomeBinder by opening previously published reports and republishing them. The process is the same as publishing a new report. To avoid sending duplicate invitations, uncheck the client and agent(s) options before publishing. As long as “HomeBinder” is checked, a new binder will be created.

Limitations of the Integration

While the integration is highly useful, there are some limitations to be aware of:

  1. Report Updates:
    If you update and republish a report, the new version of the PDF will not automatically be pushed to HomeBinder. You will need to manually upload the updated PDF to your HomeBinder account.
  2. Contact Information Updates:
    If you update the contact information for clients or agents in Tap Inspect, the changes will not be reflected in HomeBinder automatically. You will receive an error notification.
  3. Existing HomeBinder Accounts:
    If someone else has already created a HomeBinder for the same property, a new binder cannot be created, and you will receive an error with further instructions.

If you need additional assistance, please Submit a request through iGopher for help.