How do iGo Community Company Owners sign up students for iGo Academy?

This article will explain how iGo Community Company Owners can sign up candidates for iGo Academy at a discount, or earn a revenue share for referring students.

iGo Academy exists to help inspection business owners with one of the most challenging aspects of growing a business:  hiring qualified, well-trained inspectors. We believe that the iGo Academy’s certification course continues to be the absolute best program for teaching technical inspection fundamentals to individuals who are new to the field of residential home inspections.  

Prices and Discounts

Company owners can sign up candidates for training at iGo Academy. We offer our inspection company partners with two options for participating with iGo to enroll students. The inspection company can either earn a revenue share for each enrolled student or extend a significant discount to the students they enroll. 

Discount option:

- The published price for the course is $599 and can be paid in 2 installments.

- As an inspection company owner, you can have your own discount code to provide to your students which will knock 40% off of the published price of $599.

- To receive a 40% discount coupon, submit a request through iGopher (the support bot on our support page)

Revenue share option:

- The published price for the course is $599 and can be paid in 2 installments.

- As an inspection company owner, you can have your own discount code to provide to your students which will knock 10% off of the published price of $599.

- You will receive a 30% revenue share 

- To receive a 10% discount coupon and sign up for the revenue share program, submit a request through iGopher (the support bot on our support page)

Student course registration:  Students with a discount code can visit this page and click on the state where they plan to work to sign up for the course.