What's the best way for me to market HomeBinder to Agents?

Learn the most successful ways to share about HomeBinder with Agents, in person and online.

Your marketing message for HomeBinder will depend on whether you are using the traditional HomeBinder product (the digital portal only) or the full version of HomeBinder, which includes Repair Pricer for your agents, and the service to provide your buyers with a Home Expert to set up their utilities and other home services.  For marketing the full version, please scroll down below the next section.

Here are some key talking points for inspectors to use in communicating with your agent partners about the value of the traditional HomeBinder product to agents:

  1. Thank the agent for all the referrals they have sent your way. Make sure they know you are grateful for their business.
  2. Explain that you discovered a way to help grow their business, and you knew you had to reach out.
  3. Let them know that you did your research, and HomeBinder will never sell client data.
  4. Explain how HomeBinder works. Homebinder  is an electronic 3-ring binder to help homeowners with their largest investment. And you will be providing this binder for free with every inspection you perform. 
  5. Tell the Realtor® they will be branded as the agent of record on the binder dashboard, on every maintenance reminder email and on the Sellers Report™. This will keep their image and branding in front of their clients over the lifetime of the home.
  6. Explain that the Sellers Report™ will have all the maintenance records and any projects done to add value to the home. There is also a public link that can be used in the listing, but even more valuable, it can be given to the real estate appraiser. This report is key in determining “condition” of the home and can impact the appraisal value a great deal. When the home sells for more, the Realtor® earns more!  Here is a case study you can also share with them, about an agent who got 14/14 homes appraised above value, using Seller Report. 
  7. Finally, thank the agent again for the time spent with you. You may wish to follow up with the self-serve link to give them a free binder for their personal home in a handwritten card. This step is rare in today’s world and will make your Realtor® feel special.

For full HomeBinder clients who also have the utility connection service, please see below for a complete set of marketing materials for agents and homebuyers.  As a note, if you participate in the full version of HomeBinder, the onboarding team sets up the emails mentioning HomeBinder  in your scheduling software during onboarding.  

HBA Marketing Playbook

Description: Click above to see a comprehensive playbook for both agents and your buyer clients - includes email templates, leave-behind flyers, social media templates,  a ready-to-go presentation to use when presenting to real estate agents (download to edit as you wish), and more! 

Custom Marketing Collateral 

Contact support using iGopher, our Support bot, to request free, personalized marketing materials with your logo, including an agent tutorial video covering how to navigate and convert their Repair Pricer Preview Estimates to a full report from the email the agent will receive, and a “Repair Pricer sizzle reel.”